About us

JELCZ Ltd was established the 1 July 2001 as a result of economical transformation of JELCZ SA, which is a producer of well-known in Poland buses, trucks and specialized fire vehicles of JELCZ mark.
Range of activity:

  • production of truck vehicles up to 32 tons of total weight
  • production of parts and assemblies for wheeled and rail-vehicles and also devices for agriculture according to provided construction documentation
  • production of spare parts for usage vehicles of JELCZ mark
See what we offer
Our address

ul. Inżynierska 3
55-221 Jelcz-Laskowice


tel. 71 381 51 35
fax: 71 318 88 84

Service and Repair Office

tel. 71 381 53 50
tel. 71 381 51 12
tel. 71 381 51 42

Sales department

tel. 71 381 51 54